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    Cover for Sheevolvesworld

    6 days ago

    #storytime📖*My Small Veggie Garden Saved Me*When I started my little garden, I didn’t realize how much it would mean to me. It’s not big, just a small spot, but it became my favorite place. Taking care of it made me feel better, especially when life got tough. Planting those tiny seeds was exciting. Watching them grow into plants was like magic. Watering them and making sure they were okay became my daily routine. It felt good to see them grow.The best part was seeing vegetables grow. It was amazing! And when I could pick them and eat what I grew, it felt like a big achievement. But my garden wasn’t just about veggies. It became my safe place. When things were hard, being there calmed me down. The quiet sounds of leaves and plants made me forget my worries. It was like meditation.When life got really tough, my garden was my rescue. Just being there, taking care of the plants, helped me feel stronger. It taught me to face hard times and stay hopeful, just like plants grow after storms. Gardening isn’t just about growing plants. It’s about finding happiness in simple things. My small garden taught me that. It’s not about the veggies, it’s about how it made me feel—happy, peaceful, and strong.Even now, in the quiet moments with my plants, I feel grateful. My garden might be small, but it means everything to me. It’s not just a hobby; it’s my therapy, my joy, and my reason to be thankful every day.#SheEvolves #sheevolvesworld #storytelling #1000stories100000trees💚 ... See MoreSee Less
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    1 week ago

    Hello beloveds✨What are your thoughts on this quote???#SheEvolves #sheevolvesworld #quoteoftheday #whatareyourthoughts ... See MoreSee Less
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    1 week ago

    A gentle reminder 🤎#SheEvolves #sheevolvesworld #quotes ... See MoreSee Less
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    2 weeks ago

    #storytimeStruggles Of Being The First Born In My FamilyBeing the eldest daughter in a Zimbabwean community is like being handed a crown and a mountain to carry at the same time. From the day I came into this world, it seemed like everyone expected the world from me.It is a bit like being a stand-in mom. There’s this unwritten rule that I have to be the example for my younger siblings, that I have to get everything right, never making a mistake. It’s as if my role is to be a kind of blueprint for how they should live their lives. The pressure to excel in everything that I do is so high. It is not just about getting excelling in everything that I do, it is also about setting a standard so high that it feels almost impossible to reach. It is like my success isn’t just for me and it feels like I carry the weight of my family’s dreams and sacrifices on my shoulders.It is also about how I carry myself, the way I talk and behave. There’s this constant reminder to always show respect, to be responsible, and to honour our traditions. It’s about being a walking symbol of honour for our family name. Sometimes, I wish I could just be a regular sibling in my family. To mess up a bit, learn from those mistakes without feeling like the whole neighbourhood is watching and judging. I wish I could explore life without worrying that one wrong move might damage our family’s reputation.Despite all this pressure, there’s something inside me that feels proud of this role. I hold onto a quiet promise I made to myself—to walk this tightrope of expectations while still holding onto my dreams. It’s a tough path to walk between what my family expects and what I dream for myself. But in the middle of all this pressure, I’m discovering something important—resilience. I’m learning to balance on this tightrope, finding ways to be strong without losing myself in the process.Each day feels like a test, but I’m learning, adapting, and figuring out that this journey isn’t just about being perfect. It’s about learning to embrace imperfections and find my own path in a world filled with expectations.#SheEvolves #sheevolvesworld #storytelling #1000stories100000trees #firstborn ... See MoreSee Less
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    2 weeks ago

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