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african writer

Diary of a village girl: Tukombo – Parrarel Mindsets

As I began to assimilate and became part of my community, through discussions and constant deliberations with the chiefs, the locals, the academics/learned/intellectuals, as well as those in the diaspora, I quickly realized that my quest for development in my community would never be a one-person game. I became…

Choose To Try Again

Poem by Sarah Eno Obongha
Choose To Try Again
At times the hope of a river flows into a canal,
Draining away its current.
At times, the faith of the moon is covered by the cloud
Leaving its mouth silent, even when it screams out loud.
At times the strength of the rain is shadowed by…

Black love matters

If love was a person

Angel spent days crying. Life was getting hard, she felt empty inside, and her mind was numb… She thought that her story was unfinished.

All she wanted was someone to hold her hand and tell her everything would be okay.

Missing John sickened her until it didn’t…