Written by: Admin_SheEvo

Whilst unemployment is an ever growing reality of our times. It is a reality that many of us hope we never have to face. But in truth most of us will find ourselves unemployed at one point or other. Which is why having a plan in place to stay productive is important. Not only will it help pass the time. But it can also help you expand upon your existing knowledge and make you even more employable or give you the tools to change careers if need be.

As someone with a less than linear career path, I can say without a doubt that all the times I spent using my time constructively have paid off in one way or another. And this has made me even more eager to continue learning during my down time. Below are 5 things tried and true ways to spend your time if you find yourself unemployed.

  1. Further your studies: Whilst the idea of sitting in a classroom can seem daunting. The world of education has changed so much in the past decade that more and more you can find ways to learn without setting foot onto a campus or school. From short course e-learning programs to longer degrees, there is something for everyone. And the great thing is you can even find dozens of free courses to learn about a particular skill or subject.
  2. Learn to be self sufficient: It still surprises me how many people I know who do not know how to cook, clean or even iron. These are things I was taught at a young age and that have served me well in life. Which is why if you find yourself lacking in any one of these everyday skills. When you are unemployed, or even when you have some down time, it is important to learn. You can watch youtube videos, ask friends or check out blogs to get the skills you need.
  3. Volunteer: If you are lucky enough to be financially stable and secure. Being unemployed is a great time to help those less fortunate. Whether it’s working at shelter. Or giving out your expertise for free. Volunteering is a great way to give back and who knows. You may end up learning something in the long run.
  4. Learn a new creative skill: Ever wanted to play the piano or learn how to paint? What ever your desire. being unemployed is the perfect opportunity to learn how to do something you love or are interested in. Not only is it a great way to destress. But learning a creative skill can help keep your mind and hands busy.
  5. Travel: This is another one of those things that can only be done if you have the means to do so. As someone who has travelled a fair amount I still wish I had travelled more. And that when I was in between jobs or careers, I took the time to explore. You don’t even need to go far. Even going to the next city is considered travel and can be good for your mind.



Dear Esteemed Reader, I am the Chief Editor at She Evolves World, responsible for strategically planning, managing, and curating high-quality, engaging, and informative content for our audience.