Written by: Admin_SheEvo

It is funny how success in one part of life can make another feel like an uphill climb. Being a woman who’s worked hard, achieved things, and has a job that pays well sometimes feels like a blessing and a curse when it comes to finding love. There’s this nagging feeling that my success scares potential partners away. It’s like they see what I’ve accomplished and suddenly, I’m not the type of person they want to be with. It’s not that I don’t want someone who respects my achievements, but it feels like my success intimidates them.

It’s tough, especially being a Kenyan woman. There’s this unspoken expectation that I should earn less than a man I’m with. Society’s norms seem to suggest that if I earn more, I won’t be valued or respected in a relationship. It’s frustrating to think that my achievements might be a barrier to finding someone who truly sees and appreciates me for who I am.

I’ve been on dates where I’ve tried to downplay my success, almost feeling guilty for being proud of what I’ve accomplished. But why should I feel guilty? Shouldn’t I celebrate my hard work and dedication? Why does it feel like my success is something to hide?

There’s this fear that I won’t find someone who sees beyond my achievements. Someone who sees me for my kindness, my quirks, my dreams—not just my job title or bank balance. And that’s what I crave—the connection that goes beyond societal expectations and embraces me for me.

I wish it were easier. I wish love didn’t come with these unwritten rules. I want someone who values my ambition and supports me just as much as I support them. Someone who sees my success as an asset to our relationship, not a threat.

But you know what? I won’t let these worries dim my light. I won’t compromise who I am or what I’ve worked hard for just to fit someone else’s mould. I’ll keep striving for my goals, and I’ll keep my heart open, hoping that someday, I’ll find someone who sees the real me and loves every part of it.

Love shouldn’t be about how much I earn or achieving less than someone else. It should be about respect, support, and mutual admiration. So, I’ll keep believing that the right person will come along, someone who sees my success as a part of who I am, not a barrier to love.



Dear Esteemed Reader, I am the Chief Editor at She Evolves World, responsible for strategically planning, managing, and curating high-quality, engaging, and informative content for our audience.