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A Collective by Precious K

Poems by Precious K
The things I desire
They interrogate me day and night,
Till I plead guilty to not pursuing them.
The things l desire temper with my peace of mind like unsettled debt. 
You are hope, a light in life. 
An emblem of strong women with unbreakable spirits.
You are powerful, soulful, the heavens…

Choose To Try Again

Poem by Sarah Eno Obongha
Choose To Try Again
At times the hope of a river flows into a canal,
Draining away its current.
At times, the faith of the moon is covered by the cloud
Leaving its mouth silent, even when it screams out loud.
At times the strength of the rain is shadowed by…

Black List

AfroWomenPoetry founded by Antonella Sinopoli narrates the stories of African women through poetry moving from country to country across Sub Saharan Africa. In collaboration with AfroWomenPoetry, SheEvolves invites you into the world of Ghana’s female poets

Poem by Nana Nyarko Boateng
Black List 
Merge discrete metals to smithereens
blacksmith who ain’t black
and don’t smith
Black Africa
a golden…

Independence Day

Rising from dust,
From squatters and cages encroached on us;
Skins of coffee and earth-
A people of devotion for freedom
A love for the land
An ache to live- strive- and expand
A need to protect a culture and 
Pave a way for the next clan. 
The drums beat 
Every 9th October
A recount of a past,