Written by: Admin_SheEvo

AfroWomenPoetry founded by Antonella Sinopoli narrates the stories of African women through poetry moving from country to country across Sub Saharan Africa. In collaboration with AfroWomenPoetry, SheEvolves invites you into the world of Ghana’s female poets

Poem by Nana Nyarko Boateng

Black List 

Merge discrete metals to smithereens
blacksmith who ain’t black
and don’t smith

Black Africa
a golden ring with a diamond
a diamond ring with a golden rim?

I am Black
not because I am African
Black is what I feel
an explicit soul speaking lingo
a never melting candle
lighting deeper character

Africa is my home
An aesthetic sanctuary
A giant fortress of rolling cultures

Where are the black souls blackheads
black deeds black countries that made Africa?
Where are the black voices black Art
black masses that move the world?

Children gather in black magic global village
to listen to songs of the black beast
black tales too tall to be written
on black boards in black ink in black english
I am black
I am a black sheep in a blackout globe
a black mark that keeps my black look black eye untie
I had/have a black lamp
Uncle Tom and Stepin Fetchit sold for free
on black market day

I am not a crow
I enter black mood morning
in a big black hooded cloak carrying
a blacklist of black pride, black love
blackstrap black stamp black top black waters

Home people, gone people, all people
welcome to black people
Smitten black
a black hearted African
a black nippled pelican
blackity black-tie black
blacken blackish blackfish
blacked blackest blackbird

Mama Africa
a black hole feeding black hills with
black panthers black monkeys black guards

Ena Africa
you went beyond black shirts black bile
black widow and black friars
undo black death in my home

Catch the black ball
keep the black thorn
swim the black sea
find the black belt
erect the black economy

Stop oh Black Maria!
hit me with the black jack
put me in the black box
kiss my black… leg
fight me for my black spot

Black-currant growers
black pudding eating liberators
black ice breakers
find air in black pool
then paint me black
absolute black invincible black ubiquitous black
black black
Black Power Black

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Nana Nyarko Boateng – Instagram

Nana Nyarko Boateng – Facebook

Antonella Sinopoli – Facebook

Asmilinglife – Instagram

AfroWomenPoetry – Facebook

Afrowomenpoetry – Instagram





Dear Esteemed Reader, I am the Chief Editor at She Evolves World, responsible for strategically planning, managing, and curating high-quality, engaging, and informative content for our audience.

December 30, 2022
January 6, 2023