Written by: Phindile Le Bris Sithole-Spong
We have all been there. The day starts off to a roaring start with phone calls, emails, and a to-do list that feels like it will never end. And before we even have time to realize what has been going on, its time for bed and we have to wake up and start all over again. I know this feeling all too well. Especially being a working mother with two jobs. More often than not the hours in the day just do not seem like enough and time for myself feels like a luxury I just cannot afford. But one thing I realize is that when I take care myself, I am better equipped to tackle my days. And take care of my loved ones.
Committing to small, but vital moments of self love are crucial in every day life. But more so nowadays when the world can feel like a never ending nightmare. Which is why I make it a priority to practice self love EVERY SINGLE DAY. It could be for two minutes, or two hours. Just taking the time to honor myself allows me to not only be present. But also appreciate my crazy beautiful life. And again like most things, practicing self love does not have to be perfect or lengthy. It just means taking the moment to do something that brings you joy, health and sparks joy.
For me that includes working out, doing at home facials, watching a really good movie, cooking and even just listening to my favorite song on loud. What ever it is, it reminds me to slow down, to take care of myself and to not let the day go by without some time out for myself. So what ever it is that fills your cup. Whether it’s reading, cooking, working out, or booking that massage you want but often tell yourself you don’t deserve. Do it. and don’t feel bad about making time for yourself. Because if you don’t take care of yourself and show yourself some love. Who will?