Written by: Admin_SheEvo

I was recently watching the movie the other women when a line I had heard before but never paid much attention to stood out for me. In the movie (spoiler alert) a housewife finds out that her husband has been cheating on her with another women. She confronts said woman and tries to get the details of the affair including how many times they had sex. In one instance the mistress says they have had sex about 50 times in the two months they have been together, to which the housewife responds “do you not have have a job, do you not have hobbies?”. And whilst this one line is meant to be taken in a light hearted manner, it does get to an important point.

That even if one is married or in a relationship, it is a good idea to have other interests. Which got me thinking? As a mom, wife and friend, I often find there is very little time for me at the end of the day. Whether it’s work, my husband, chores or a busy toddler, the idea of hobbies is almost laughable. But it shouldn’t be. especially in todays high stress day.

And whilst I’d love to say that scrolling through instagram is a hobby. It is not. And rightfully so. The Oxford dictionary describes a hobby as “An activity done regularly in one’s leisure time for pleasure.”. And whilst some people may argue that leisure time is not important, it is in fact an important part of self care. Of connecting with ourselves outside of others. A way to explore, expand on and harness new talents. For a while (before becoming a mother) cooking was my hobby. But nowadays it is more of a chore than a hobby. Which is why I am adamant to find new ways of growing and spending time alone that is both fulfilling and relaxing.

Some hobby ideas include knitting, painting, reading, learning a sport like tennis or golf. Sewing or anything else that interests you. The best thing about a hobby is also that it need not be too serious or too difficult. It is after all intended to help you relax, instead of cause you more stress. So this week while you take on all your responsibilities and chores. Take a moment to think about some hobbies you could be interested in. And then start doing one as often as possible. If you find yourself bored or stress, find another and another until you find one that meets your personal needs.




Dear Esteemed Reader, I am the Chief Editor at She Evolves World, responsible for strategically planning, managing, and curating high-quality, engaging, and informative content for our audience.