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Embracing 28

There is so much more to age than just being a number.

I looked forward to turning twenty-one with all the hype and excitement it entails. The dream 21st year would bring forth graduation from college, the 21st Key official presentation, and … an engagement ring. The reality was that…

Why letting go of the lessons I was taught as a young women has freed me to be more myself

Growing up in an African household. I was taught how to behave in a manner that always saw partner, child, family and community obligation before self. It is no surprise then that when it came to working and raising a family of my own later on in life, I…

Why having hobbies is important

I was recently watching the movie the other women when a line I had heard before but never paid much attention to stood out for me. In the movie (spoiler alert) a housewife finds out that her husband has been cheating on her with another women. She confronts said…