Written by: Mutshidzi Kwinda

Dear Self,

There is so much I want to tell you. So much more to apologise for. If it was the usual circumstance between two disembodied individuals, I was going to say, “I can only imagine what you have been through.” But I won’t say that because I know you better than anybody will ever do.

Let me regress a little bit. I know in the past I have not been so helpful when it comes to emotional support. I have continuously entertained everything but positivity. For so many times, I have stained and intoxicated your amazing heart and spirit with fury, bitterness, and negativity. I held on to past mistakes, losses and pain that I couldn’t even see how desperately you needed me… Yet, you stayed close and never gave up on me regardless.

You have seen the worst of my worst days. You have fought battles that no one thought you could handle on your own. And yes, some of them you lost badly (that’s okay), but most of them you charred them down like a warrior you are. Your resilience is remarkable. Your perseverance lights up the room and revives hope and passion in those around you.

You are more than a conqueror. Despite your flaws and inabilities, you keep soaring beyond limits. Your scars paint a map of an enduring journey yet to be told. And because of all that and more, I want to let you know that you are stronger than you think. And you should never forget that.

As you continue with this life journey, try to be a little easier on yourself. Try to live intentionally and never let a memorable moment pass you by without recognising it. And when things get complicated (and they surely will), take a step back, breathe and remember who and whose you are.

Yours Always,

From me to ME From me to YOU


Mutshidzi Kwinda

I work as a writer and Facebook manager for SheEvolves.world. Amongst many other writing genres, I like book reviews, storytelling, sharing tips and tricks from tried experiences... I highly advocate for women’s health and well-being. ¿Questions? ¿Do you want to write us? Please go to our Contact page!