Written by: Admin_SheEvo

AfroWomenPoetry founded by Antonella Sinopoli narrates the stories of African women through poetry moving from country to country across Sub Saharan Africa. In collaboration with AfroWomenPoetry, SheEvolves invites you into the world of Ghana’s female poets

Poem by Akosua Dufia Boakye

But How Can I Be Me? 

I am not who I want to be
The only person in my way is me
The lives of the ‘amour propre’ I see
But how can I be me?

I don’t want to die an arm candy
I really want to be happy
Happiness without being sappy
But how can I be me?

But how can I be me?
Mama said: Baby be steady!
I really want to be me
But, I truly cannot find me

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Akosua Dufia Boakye – Facebook

Antonella Sinopoli – Facebook

Asmilinglife – Instagram

AfroWomenPoetry – Facebook

Afrowomenpoetry – Instagram







Dear Esteemed Reader, I am the Chief Editor at She Evolves World, responsible for strategically planning, managing, and curating high-quality, engaging, and informative content for our audience.

January 18, 2023