Written by: Admin_SheEvo
An African woman is a resilient being. Merriam’s English language dictionary expression for the word “Resilient” says it correctly. #she is able
Come hail or high water; an African woman can spring back into shape after bending. After mistakes. After bad heartache. After a life transition from almost dead to life. Some call it stubborn. Others say, “She’s de lu-lu.” meaning she’s delusional.
But I say she’s strong. She may not have too many hand pats on the shoulder. Or words of encouragement. Or maybe everyone that surrounds her pulse is negative to her energy.
I say you keep the faith, darling. Faith from God. Believing you are not where you want to be. But not where you used to be.
Africans are associated with religion as extremist. “Show me your most prized possession. And I’ll tell you. The most prized treasure is peace of mind.
You shine—African woman.
Perhaps you don’t know,
Who notices a torchlight on in the powerful light of a bright city? Or, say, in broad daylight, who sees the use of bulb light on? It becomes excess.
I dare you to stay where you belong, in time and year like this – and see how you’ll flourish. Be good. Think wisely. Smell good. Look sharp all the time, but prioritize comfort. Loser, don’t cry.
Let your tears warm up those cheeks. Be it of joy. Or sadness. But don’t stay on the problem. Move on.
An African woman should be able to start her day believing in something. Lucks. And charms. The real deal is the triune who rules the universe. He is all you will ever need in the ticks of heat.
Who is an African woman? She is more of all this. Most of all, she is a Proudly African woman who fears no bounds.
Written by: Peace Abu