Written by: Admin_SheEvo

The imposter syndrome,  is a psychological phenomenon characterised by self-doubt and fear of being exposed as a fraud despite evidence of competence and success, affects individuals across various fields. I struggle with this syndrome but I have found a few practical strategies to overcome the imposter syndrome and to foster self-validation and personal growth. By recognising and addressing these feelings, I have been able to cultivate a healthier mindset and embrace my achievements with confidence.

The imposter syndrome can be an overwhelming experience, but the first step towards overcoming it is to recognise and acknowledge these feelings. Understand that imposter syndrome is common and affects even the most accomplished people. By acknowledging the presence of imposter syndrome, you can confront it and take proactive steps to combat it.

Reflecting on personal accomplishments is a powerful tool in combating imposter syndrome. Creating a comprehensive list of achievements, both major and minor, serves as a reminder of the hard work, dedication, and skills that have contributed to success. This exercise helps you to recognise the validity of your achievements and reinforces your self-worth.

Sharing feelings of imposter syndrome with trusted friends, family members, or mentors can provide valuable support and perspective. They can offer encouragement, reassurance, and insights into their own experiences with imposter syndrome. Engaging in open conversations really helps you gain a fresh perspective.

Negative self-talk fuels imposter syndrome and perpetuates feelings of inadequacy. It is essential to challenge these negative thoughts and reframe them with positive affirmations. Instead of dwelling on perceived failures or flaws, you should remind yourself of your past successes and the positive feedback that you have received. By replacing self-doubt with self-encouragement, you can can reshape their mindset and recognise your worth.

The imposter syndrome often arises from the fear of not knowing enough or being inadequate. A growth mindset, centred around embracing new opportunities, is crucial in overcoming these insecurities. Rather than viewing challenges as threats, you should approach them as opportunities for personal growth. Embracing continuous learning not only expands knowledge and skills but also reinforces the understanding that everyone is continually evolving.

Recognising and celebrating your personal progress is a powerful method to combat imposter syndrome. Breaking larger goals into smaller milestones allows you to acknowledge and appreciate each achievement along the way. By celebrating small victories, you cultivate a sense of accomplishment, build confidence, and reinforces your belief in your abilities.

Overcoming the imposter syndrome requires a combination of self-reflection, support from others, reframing negative thoughts, embracing a growth mindset, practicing self-care, and celebrating personal achievements. By employing these strategies, you can gradually break free from the shackles of imposter syndrome and cultivate a sense of self-validation and confidence. It is essential to remember that overcoming imposter syndrome is a journey, and with persistence, you can embrace their achievements and pursue personal growth with renewed determination.


  1. Reply


    May 31, 2023

    This was so helpful. It is also great to know that this is something that many people are faced with. It makes me feel less alone.

  2. Reply


    June 4, 2023

    I have always felt like I don’t belong.
    My social anxiety makes it even worse and hard to convince myself otherwise.
    Reading this article already gives me hope.
    Than you so much for sharing.



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