Written by: Admin_SheEvo

My tremendous scars,
Etched deep into my skin,
Carved by life’s cruel hands,
Yet, holding the dignity of my humanhood.

You, a symbol of my strength,
Hidden beneath a million tales,
Of battles fought in silence,
Of nights spent wrestling shadows,
The reasons you exist,
A mystery to others, perplexing yet profound.

Only I know your weight,
The burden you carry with pride,
A vanquisher, a fighter, a victor,
Your lines speak of courage,
Beauty carved from pain and hardships.
No matter where you choose to be

I see you for what you truly are,
A testimony to survival,
A reminder of every step I’ve taken,
Through storms, through pain,
Through all that tried to break me.

I admire you,
Not for the hurt you once held,
But for the hope you now embody,
I embrace you,
For you are the proof of my journey,
A mark that life did not overcome me.


  1. Reply


    September 3, 2024

    What a heartfelt poem. I admire your strength and courage.
    Sending you lots of love and hugs

  2. Reply


    September 3, 2024

    You are such an inspiration. Thank you for sharing your lovely poem



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