Written by: Admin_SheEvo

As much as I love shopping, I also am a huge fan and advocate for a good closet lean out. Coming from a family of three girls, closet clean outs are not only fun, but also necessary. Although my sisters and I vary in age, we do wear pretty much the same size. Which means when one of us cleans out our closets, the others win BIG time. I also love that clothes can be reimagined by someone else. because whilst we may share parents, our styles could not be more different. And seeing how my sisters reimagine or wear certain pieces is always a cause for great inspiration.

Another reason to enjoy closet clean outs is because of the hidden treasures you will find. I know for myself that when ever I clean out my closet, I find pieces I have not worn in a while that bring me so much joy to rediscover. Below are some of my tips and tricks for a fulfilling and useful closet clean out.

    1. Start by knowing what your style is: As someone whose style changes as often as the weather. I love putting together an inspiration board together to help me see what looks, styles, colors, cuts and clothes I am currently into. The great thing is that also with the use of platforms like Pinterest. I get to see cool ways of wearing clothes, styles and colors I like.
    2. Remove everything from your closet: In true Marie Kondo style. The best way to do a true closet clean out is to remove everything from your closet. This gives you a blank canvas to start from and helps you see just how many clothes you have.
    3. try on everything: The reason a good closet clean out can take all day is because of the various steps and process. One of which includes trying everything on. Not only will you see what fits but also what needs fixing, altering etc.
    4. Sort your clothes into piles: Gone are the days of only having a keep and throw away pile. When doing your closet clean out consider having several piles. Mine usually include; keep, fix or alter, give to family or friends, donate, resell and get rid of. The get rid of pile is usually my smallest and is reserved for items that have seen better days and cannot be fixed or used.
    5. Arrange your closet in a way that makes sense for you: Unlike Marie Kondo, I don’t think we all have the space or time to hand everything. Nor is this the best method for everyone to see and access their clothes. Which is why I say go with what works for you. Personally I like to color code my clothes for easy access and its a system that works for me. I



Dear Esteemed Reader, I am the Chief Editor at She Evolves World, responsible for strategically planning, managing, and curating high-quality, engaging, and informative content for our audience.

February 18, 2021