Written by: Phindile Le Bris Sithole-Spong

If you’ve read any of my articles, you probably know that I am always searching for the elusive balance we all want to have—the balance between work, family, friends and personal time. And while I believe that it does not exist, I do think that sometimes, to succeed in one or two areas, you may have to let go of certain areas. For example, when I am focused on work, I usually opt out of going to dinners with friends as I’ve found that dropping my family is not an option. Another thing I could leave behind is, of course, personal time. But I’m now realising that personal time, me time, Phindi time should not be compromised. I am realising that putting myself aside is not sustainable. Truthfully, one thing that has fallen by the wayside is the notion and appreciation for self-care, from little things like not finding the time to work out to more significant things like not being on top of my mental health. However, as another year passes by faster than I ever thought possible, I am choosing to put the focus back on myself… sustainably and realistically.

Lately, this means finding 30-40 minutes to work out every day. I fit this in even on busy days by walking to pick up my daughter instead of taking public transport. Which I recently discovered is only 10 minutes faster. Another way is by getting serious about my nightly routine. One thing I have recently discovered and loved is mobility training. This type of movement is designed to help you move and feel better overall. It can be intense as it works the muscles in ways you may not be used to. But as someone with chronic pain, I have found that moving my body (mobility training) for 30 minutes every night really helps me sleep deeper and better. I also find that my body feels a whole lot better. So if you are keen to give it a try, then download the FitOn workout app. And look under the mobility section of workouts for a few options. These simple and body opening movements have been a game-changer for me and honestly make me feel like a new person.

Lastly, I have been more conscious about how I eat. This does not mean going on a diet or calorie counting but rather ensuring that my body is adequately fueled for all I want to do and achieve in a day, including drinking more water and shutting down my phone at 8 pm.

These small changes are not only game-changing but also sustainable. If you create habits around these lifestyle changes, you will definitely be able to live a more rounded life. So try it out, see if it works and let me know what you think.


Phindile Le Bris Sithole-Spong

Having been with She Evolves since its early days when it was called GirlZtalk. Over the years I have held several roles and was part of the brainstorming team for the She Evolves that exists today. ¿Questions? ¿Do you want to write us, or to publish an article with us? Please go to our Contact page!