Written by: Admin_SheEvo
What a journey it’s been. I’m so grateful to my creator for waking me up to my true self. At first,
everything was changing in my life in a way that didn’t make sense to me. I was losing everything…
Then Chapter 33 happened – the age that flipped everything.
I realized I’m extraordinary, yes, a child of the soil.
I’m different, yes, a child of the Nguni’s.
I’m chosen, yes, a child of the stars.
And it’s okay to be in the world but not part of it.
I realized that my creator is within the great Mama, the elephant.
The divine magic, which is wisdom, made me for a greater purpose. That’s when meaning
started to form in my life, and everything changed just like that. Building my relationship with my
creator has been my greatest gift.
When I say everyone disappeared, I mean it. Because when the High Most claims you back
from this crazy world, she removes all the noise, all of it so you can solely focus on your divine
power and presence in Spirit and in truth as the WOMB (MAN).
Bulelwa is my name, which is Xhosa and it means: “We Give Thanks.” Growing up, I always
wondered why this name. As I got older, I realized that my Grandmother was telling me who I am, the child of the high most; so I should always give thanks for everything in my life, especially the little things, being in Gratitude energy.
Throughout my childhood, I always felt different. I just didn’t fit in. Luckily for me, I enjoyed my
solitude and individuality. Like the ocean, I flow with the Rhythm of my soul, the King. My
differences were never an issue because I never seemed to follow others; I wanted to be
different, as opposed to what is viewed as cool, hip, and trendy. I created my path, which
shaped my true essence of leadership.
Like everyone’s, my life journey has never been easy. I’m not perfect and not trying to be, but
my motto is to always operate from my heart space, which is love. That’s what carried me in
times when I felt like giving up… when I was heartbroken, depressed, and detached from everything.
When you have love in your heart, even if you are not loved or accepted, appreciated or valued
by the world, family, or friends, our creator is love – the 5th element of nature, always there
guiding you. That’s why it’s so important to put our trust in the higher power, not this world. Our
creator is love. Chapter 33 was a game-changer for me. Not only am I living my true purpose,
but I also share with others to understand that all is within. The true KINGDOM of heaven starts
with you inside. So this is me breaking down my spiritual journey so far. Our growth never ends.
I’m just sharing my relationship with my creator.
Below are some elements of life that I believe in and can relate to:
Being extraordinary is the power given to us to help ourselves and others, pouring wisdom and
sharing to evoke the great spirit within others. Healing doesn’t happen without forgiveness. We
have to let go of the pain, the past, and our childhood trauma so we don’t join the pity party
movement. True evolution starts with understanding that we are part of something bigger than
us. We are ancient, we are divine, and we are chosen for these times, this generation to serve
others, not be served.
The Soil
When we truly accept that we are connected to nature, we truly understand the meaning of
Ubuntu. Nature is not just a green thing and trees and flowers. Nature is a part of us, we are her
children. The disconnection is making us sick. Nature is the true healer. The sun activates us
through the power of our melanin. As the child of the soil, I make it my duty to educate others on
the healing power of nature.
The water stands in full view for us to remember that we lack nothing, we are limitless. The flow
of water is limitless. The living water in the river always goes forward, never backward, which
teaches us to never give up, and to always be moving towards our dreams, vision, and goals.
The majestic presence of the mountain stands in full view as a reminder that seasons come and
go, but we stand firm in the great power which is the air that flows within us all, the great Spirit
called life force.
The power of our DNA goes beyond human and scientific understanding. Humankind emerged
from the great mother of all kinds of colors and shades. In the great kingdom of KONG, the four
brothers embarked on a journey to explore more. They reached the southern part, where the
Khoi San people lived in Harambe and Uhuru. One of the brothers fell madly in love with the
beautiful daughter of the Khoisan, and thus the XHOSA PEOPLE were born. The other three
continued their journey, crossing the Zambezi River into Limpopo. I am a child of the NGUNI,
The stars
Our forgotten roots. The time has come for us to stop hiding who we truly are. We have to pay
attention to the spiritual shifts that are happening. Listen carefully. We are the ORIGINALS,
Ancients. Now is the time to showcase who we are through creativity and storytelling. We have
to stop hiding. We come from the stars, into our mother’s belly, we are the roots. ABBA gives us
Fire, THE SUN. Mama gives us WATER, life force. We are spiritual more than the physical.
Nice piece Bulelwa, insightful. Thanks for sharing your story. Tinotenda~