Written by: Admin_SheEvo
Kira Stokes: Celebrity trainer Kira Stokes app is perfect for those looking for high intensity workouts that will leave you with a good sweat. From short but targeted workouts to longer full body workouts, this is an app to try if you are looking to make real changes and put in the work to reach your fitness goals.
Melissa Wood Health: Most health enthusiast have come across Melissa’s brand of long lean workouts at one point or other. Combining yoga and pilates, Melissa focuses on targeting small muscle groups to build a long lean body. But don’t be fooled, whilst the workouts may look easy they are anything but.
FitOn: I first came across fitOn after giving birth. After feeling completely unfit and unable to jump back to my usual high impact workouts, FitOn turned out to be the perfect app that combined a number of varied workouts that I could chop and change as I pleased. Bonus is that the app is free which means you don’t have to commit to start reaping the rewards.
Nike Training App: Boasting a number of high profile trainers, the nike training app is perfect for beginners and gym bunnies alike. Like the FitOn app, this app is also free and offers a variety of workouts to do both at home or at the gym.
Sweat by Kayla Itsines: Commonly known as BBG to its followers. Kayla’s variety of workout programs are perfect for achieving a lean and toned physic. With high intensity workouts that last no more than 30 minutes, this app is great for those who are busy but also want to commit to a fitter, healthier lifestyle.