Written by: Admin_SheEvo

AfroWomenPoetry founded by Antonella Sinopoli narrates the stories of African women through poetry moving from country to country across Sub Saharan Africa. In collaboration with AfroWomenPoetry, SheEvolves invites you into the world of Ghana’s female poets

Poem by Millicent Anumah

The Plead for Change

Change! Change! Change!
There was no response
Yet I plead for change not to change

Growing up, I thought my generation and
That of my children are going to be the best
But now, I strummer and stagger
Yes we all want change
We don’t know weather
The change will be positive or negative
The change I cry for is the friend of the future
A great future is what I cliff for
Loosing this, is not like losing a political position
or losing wealth

The change I desire is moving
from hunger to satisfaction
From poverty to riches
Street children to a happy home
War to peace
Tears to laughter
The voice of men only to gender equality
A change from the fight of political power
To free and fair election
From deforestation to afforestation
The change I cry for
is not the fear to drink natural water
Or the fear to walk under the sun
because of the depletion of the ozone layer

Can things ever come to normal again?
We may all me blind
But we cannot all be insensitive

Our fathers, our mothers
Our siblings and ourselves
I plead for a positive change
Let’s not use what we see today
To destroy the birth of what
we cannot see tomorrow

Lay a good foundation today for a good
Tower to be built on it tomorrow
We are to decide the kind of world
we grow up in in the future

© Copyright – All rights reserved. AfroWomenPoetry


Millicent Anumah – Instagram

Millicent Anumah – Facebook

Antonella Sinopoli – Facebook

Asmilinglife – Instagram

AfroWomenPoetry – Facebook

Afrowomenpoetry – Instagram












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January 9, 2023
January 13, 2023